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03 Jun 11 year old cat rescue
Vetdok OÜ Admin 0 2065
The cat is 11 years old. Breast tumor + ovarian cysts, due to prolonged use of hormone drugs to suppress the sexual instinct...
31 May Ferret rescue
Vetdok OÜ Admin 0 1970
An 8-year-old ferret was brought to the clinic, who refused food and water, he was exhausted. On clinical examination, the abdomen was greatly enlarged; on palpation, a compaction was felt in the abdo..
12 Feb Auricle hematoma
Vetdok OÜ Admin 0
08 Nov Otohematoma of the auricle
Vetdok OÜ Admin 0 2376
Auricular hematoma is an accumulation of lymph and blood in the space between the skin of the auricle and the cartilage of the ear.SYMPTOMS AND DIAGNOSTICSIt is not at all difficult to recognize it fo..
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Pages)
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